America Needs Common Sense Mission Statement
America Needs Common Sense Is dedicated to giving all Americans a way to directly influence the way our nation functions, and help to offset the unfairness caused by special interest groups. At its core, it is to help people find out what we all have in common, and then focus on these things to make outcomes that support the greater good. We created an online community that gives you access to a process in which you can publish issues that are important to you. Issues can be anything like grievances, unfairness, wishes, observations, questions or fixes. Your published issues become the starting point for the community to investigate facts, and deliberate the best outcome possible. What makes our organization unique is that we will vote on issues, determine our priorities, and publish our results for the world to see. We want members who choose to deliberate in a process dedicated to improving our nation. If that sounds lofty, it really is. Voting on issues and identifying national priorities ourselves finally is possible.